Tuesday, August 31, 2010

MOAR Dew Tour!!!...and Unit 1

Hopefully you all enjoy that picture...I dedicate it to Swony & Monson...Just ask them about the kitty-kat thing.  As for the moar...Those of you that don't know what "moar" is, it's an emphatic MORE combined with ROAR.  So, we've been doing quite a bit of work with our Dew Tour marketing plan.  Neal stopped by on Monday and dropped off some of our collateral and promotional materials.  Tuesday, Mr. Smith stopped by and evaluated each of the group's ideas.  We went over Unit 1.  Unit 1 covered a variety of topics such as:  Marketing, how we sports and events utilize marketing, exchanges, producers, consumers, sports producers, and how the sporting industry continues to grow.  You can find the PowerPoint here.  Make sure that you guys fill out the listening guide that follows along with the PowerPoint.  I also paired you into teams that you will do your group projects in.  We did a city draft, as well as a sport draft.  :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Deca & Dew Tour

In class today, due to the shortened time restrictions because of Club Rush, we discussed DECA Club and what it is.  DECA club is a great opportunity for students to participate in real-life marketing scenarios.  Such as the DEW Tour DECA project.  You, students, will be working on a promotion and marketing plan for Alli Sports.  I've broken you into teams of 5 or 6 students.  Over the next week, you will come up with a marketing plan.   Realize, that not only are you competing against 3 other schools, but you're competing against other groups in class, and my other marketing class.  Good luck, and have fun.  By the way, I need to mention, not only will the winning group have their marketing plan used, but there will be a ton of Professional Development points given, and free, yes, FREE, DEW Tour tickets given away.  :P